Свяжитесь с нами
DESIGNOV/. – творческий тандем Григория и Юлии Лопатка, готовый разработать и реализовать качественный дизайн-проект интерьера, отвечающий всем современным требованиям и тенденциям.
мы создаем
Introduce yourself and add several paragraphs about your company. Who do you work for? What inspires your services? Add some details about what is included in the service and what the client gets. Upload an ambient photo to draw your visitors’ attention.
For 10 years now, we have been passionate about achieving the best results that bring success and greater brand awareness. We develop the basic concept of the company according to its purpose, and we create strategies for competitive advantage.

Recruitment is a very important part of the management process. We help draw up a portrait of specialists, we develop ways to train personnel. Add some interesting specific details about your company.
в цыфрах
Выполненных проектов

Лет работы в сфере
Процент реализации проектов
Процентов повторных клиентов
Introduce yourself and add key information about your company. Who do you work for? What inspires your services? Add some details about what is included in the service and what the client gets.
Example. For 10 years now, we have been passionate about achieving the best results that bring success and greater brand awareness. We develop basic concept of the brand according to its goals and purpose, and we create strategies for competitive advantage.
Example. For 10 years now, we have been passionate about achieving the best results that bring success and greater brand awareness. We develop basic concept of the brand according to its goals and purpose, and we create strategies for competitive advantage.
Example. For 10 years now, we have been passionate about achieving the best results that bring success and greater brand awareness. We develop basic concept of the brand according to its goals and purpose, and we create strategies for competitive advantage.
Describe the project and add a striking photo to draw visitors' attention. Add remarkable insights about the project and share its positive impact. Introduce your team and add key information about the company. Who do you work for? What inspires your creativity? What keeps you moving forward?
Describe the project and add a striking photo to draw visitors' attention. Add remarkable insights about the project and share its positive impact. Introduce your team and add key information about the company. Who do you work for? What inspires your creativity? What keeps you moving forward?
Аркада Хаус
Describe the project and add a striking photo to draw visitors' attention. Add remarkable insights about the project and share its positive impact. Introduce your team and add key information about the company. Who do you work for? What inspires your creativity? What keeps you moving forward?
Дом На Тишинке
Реалистичная визуализация и проработанная рабочая часть, знание тенденций, посещение ведущих выставок и презентаций
1 опыт
Для вашего удобства мы предоставляем весь спектр услуг от дизайн-проекта и строительных работ, до полной комплектации объекта
3 проект "под ключ"
Адаптация проекта под выделенный бюджет,
рекомендация проверенных поставщиков,
скидки у наших партнеров
2 экономия
Describe your product or service and upload a photograph to draw your clients’ attention.
Hair stylist
A short bio of the founder of the company. What makes your business different from any other company in the industry? Explain why working with you is the best solution for the client. Provide a short and simple explanation in one or two sentences.
Григорий Лопатка
Example. For 10 years now, we have been passionate about achieving the best results that bring success and greater brand awareness. We develop basic concept of the brand according to its goals and purpose, and we create strategies for competitive advantage.
Юлия Лопатка
Makeup artist
A short bio of the co-founder of the company. What makes your business different from any other company in the industry? Explain why working with you is the best solution for the client. Provide a short and simple explanation in one or two sentences.
Jennifer Joss
A short bio of the key team member. What makes your business different from any other company in the industry? Explain why working with you is the best solution for the client. Provide a short and simple explanation in one or two sentences.
Lilly Anderson
I am very happy with this company and the services provided. This wonderful team of professionals helped me realize quite a complicated project. It was a pleasure working with them, highly recommended!
Nick Anderson
На днях я встречалась со своей подругой Марией и еще раз поблагодарила ее за рекомендацию и знакомство с Юлией и Григорием. Без них наш проект не состоялся бы в срок, цвет стен не соответствовал бы ожиданиям, а встроенные шкафы в прихожую не были бы установлены вообще. Здорово, когда ты заходишь в мебельный салон, дизайнер точно указывает на то, что тебе нравится. Здорово, когда ты совсем не успеваешь подумать и составить план на размещение мебели в гостиной зоне, тебе уже предлагают варианты, возможные сроки и модные новинки. Юлия с Григорием точно угадали, раскрыли наши предпочтения; грамотно вели авторский надзор, рекомендовали и прислушивались к нашему мнению. Чувство доверия возникло после первой встречи и укрепилось после первых посещений салонов, первых вариантов планировок. Нам важно было, чтобы у каждого члена семьи было свое пространство - кабинетная зона, рабочее место: и нам это удалось. Неожиданным для меня было решение по освещению: гостиной зоны, спальни и детской комнаты. Сейчас я понимаю, что каждый кв метр наших апартаментов был хорошо продуман и используется уже нами по назначению. Отдельная благодарность за организацию зон хранения: гардеробной, шкафов!
Nick Anderson
I am very happy with this company and the services provided. This wonderful team of professionals helped me realize quite a complicated project. It was a pleasure working with them, highly recommended!
Nick Anderson
Помимо высокого уровня профессионализма, знания новых тенденций в мире дизайна интерьера и рынка в целом, ребят отличают прекрасные личные качества! С ними очень приятно работать, они открыты идеям заказчика и даже самый неоформленный замысел способны преобразить в функциональный, продуманный, красивый и что самое главное уникальный отражающий индивидуальность интерьер! У нас планируется следующий проект, с которым мы обязательно обратимся к Грише и Юле!
Лев и Анна Пак
шаг за
Name of this step
Describe this phase of your work and show how it helps to achieve results. Add some detail about the service and what it includes. Explain what your client can get. What kind of clients do you work with, what inspires your work? What is your team proud of? What are your values and motto? Add a simple explanation in one or two sentences.
Name of this step
Describe this phase of your work and show how it helps to achieve results. Add some detail about the service and what it includes. Explain what your client can get. What kind of clients do you work with, what inspires your work? What is your team proud of? What are your values and motto? Add a simple explanation in one or two sentences.
Name of this step
Describe this phase of your work and show how it helps to achieve results. Add some detail about the service and what it includes. Explain what your client can get. What kind of clients do you work with, what inspires your work? What is your team proud of? What are your values and motto? Add a simple explanation in one or two sentences.
Access to any studio

10 individual sessions

Evening classes after 6 p.m.

5 guest visits
Access to any studio

15 individual sessions

All-day classes

15 guest visits
Access to any studio

20 individual sessions

All-day classes

20 guest visits
работаем в жк
Москва - Мир